Heyyy y'all!!! According to 1 Corinthians 6:17, God desires us to be ONE with Him. “Being One” Ministeries is a collection of my personal stories and testimonies of my unity with God. It's also a collection of the services that I provide to serve God's people such as intercessors' training. As you go through my blogs and read my stories, testimonies, videos, and inspirations, I pray that it will inspire you to share yours. I also pray that the words that Lord has given to me to share with you guys will change your life in the way He wants it to be.
Hey,Can I Pray For You?
Check out my “P4U” tab where I share devotions and prayers. If you haven’t already, follow my Instagram and Facebook page where you will find the latest videos of me doing “Hey, Can I pray for you?”.
Ladies And Gentlemen...
I love teaching and spreading awareness by giving knowledge about Women's AND Men's Health. (Go check out "#Wo/Men" on the tab!) So, enjoy reading, learning, and laughing (cause I'm weird and funny)
Want To Book Me?
It is an absolute honor and a privilege to be a part of your event! Go to the “Contact” tab and you can click on the booking form and fill it out.
And I think that’s it! If you have any comments, questions, or anything else that you will like to share with me, go to my “Contact” tab. Thanks again for checking this site and I pray that it blesses you!

Who Is Keisha Jenkins?