We can't live "the exceedingly abundantly" lifestyle that God desires us to be in if we are STILL entertaining the things of this world MORE THAN entertaining Him. Change your environment, change the channel, change the website you're looking at, change the music, change your selections of friends/ or "bae", etc. We can decree and declare all we want, but it will only manifest if we put it into action (Faith without works is what?..DEAD! James 4:14-26). Your life and your level of faith must line up with the Word of God. We have to make that change starting now. Don't wait for it, start now. If you mess up, repent and keep going. If you get discouraged, repent and keep going. If you get weary, repent and get restored, and keep going. Transformation is a PROCESS, not a destination. Every day we are getting better and better! ​#HappyFriday #RepentEverySingleDay#DieToYourFleshDaily #SpeakLife